Mages need not use Eyedrops, because they will not be affected by lower accuracy. If you did not bring any cure potions and get cursed, you will just have to stay out of battle. Waiting for the curse to wear off is not an option, due to the nature of the battle. Alternatively, you can use All Cure Potions which will cure you of both the Lock and blindness. You should use Holy Water for the lock or Eyedrops for the blindness.
The status condition can either lock up all your skills or blind you to drastically lower your accuracy.
Alishar will put status condition on you. Mages can try and teleport to the other side, but everyone else will have to walk past it. Alishar can jump and move to the very edge of both sides of the stage, so unless your party is quick at killing him, you might find your party hemmed in on one edge. It is reccomended that magicians use Magic Guard to reduce damage. Your Cleric should Heal if members need so, however Alishar has been significantly nerfed in newer updates. The HP, EXP, and Level of Alishar will be based on the average level of all the party members. This is the stage where members must face Alishar.
Then, get the leader to click on the Red Sign to begin the party quest. If your party meets all of these requirements, you are ready to begin to PQ! To enter the party quest, you must first head to the 101st floor of the Eos Tower or use the Mirror of Dimension. All Cure Potions are most convenient because they cure all states.
Also, cure potions such as Eyedrops and Holy Water are recommended while fighting Alishar. You must have at least 3 party members to begin this quest. 5.3 Dealing with a party member that is rudeīefore beginning this party quest, be sure to read through this list of requirements:. 5.2 Dealing with a party member that is afk. #LUDIBRIUM MAZE PARTY QUEST ROYALS OFFLINE#
5.1 Dealing with a party member that is offline.